You have Questions.

We have answers

Most popular Questions


Think of a human. He analyzes, he thinks, he has emotions, he can’t provide his 100% everyday all day.

That’s why technology allows us to create automated trading systems, to scan past performance through huge databases, recognise patterns and make investing precise and efficient.

No emotions, just mathematics.

In this way, you minimize risk, maximize returns and ensure stability and safety in your hard earned invested capital.

Statistics can’t lie, look at our results. Get in touch with us.

That’s true.

Information is more accessible than ever nowadays.

This also means that competition has scaled up too.

About 80% of traders are losing and there’s a reason why.

When it comes to investing, timing is everything.

And don’t be misled, if you were happy with your returns and the consistency of them, you won’t be here.

Pros do it better, follow us.


Ever heard of “market neutral” strategies?

With careful strategic planning, and with the assistance of algorithms designed to stabilize your portfolio returns and daily monitoring from our traders, an investor shouldn’t be concerned about the timing in the market.

Money is made in bull and bear markets, the best timing to invest is today.

We know that this is not a popular opinion, but chart’s can’t lie.

Returns are not made from the “best” financial instrument, but from the best Strategy.

Let us guide you.

If an investor has to pick between starting his journey alone, or be advised by a professional, we think that the answer is quite obvious.

You just have to choose someone who has demonstrated his records.

Our strategies are open for everyone to review and judge on his own.

If it wasn’t worth it, we wouldn’t be doing it anyways.
The ball is in your court !

Main Frequently asked Questions

It is a groundbreaking technology that allows any investor that meets basic criteria, to copy the trades of another certified investor.

That’s the most time efficient way of passive investing.

Just click. And trade like us.

There is no lockup period, no restrictions and no capital guarantees.

You can check the equity of your account whenever you want by logging in, and copy our portfolios for as long as you wish.

Any investor, by accessing their account, can see Live the Equity and open trades.

Remember: Investing is not a sprint, it looks more like a Marathon.

Money is not made in one day, so following a long-term strategy may take time to reach optimal returns.


Complete the form and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Whether you are an individual or a Business, we all have problems.

Many of them wont appear in the beginning of our partnership, but as time goes on.

In Quantify we are great listeners, and way better solvers.

Your RM makes sure he suggest other services than your current ones to solve other issues you have.

So for example, an individual that invests with us may have some issues with their business. We can help him.

So one of our experts will listen carefully, create a strategic plan in coordination with managers, and come up with the solution.

In an industry where personalized relationship management is rare, we stand out as one of the few truly committed to your financial well-being.


Unfortunately, Banks, Funds and Brokerage Firms do not accept any investor for the services of advisory and portfolio management, due to technical difficulties of small investing capitals.

Also it’s not time efficient for them to accept smaller portfolios. 

Let us break it down for you.

Think of it, it takes the same time and effort to apply a strategy to two clients, one of 10.000$ and the other with 1.000.000$.

Managers are getting paid typically from a management fee (flat 1-2,5%/yr) and performance fees (up to 50% from profits).

So for the same effort, they could generate 100 times more revenue, by only attracting bigger portfolios. And believe us, portfolios like these are many.

As a result, only wealthier clients are able to getting their money managed by funds.

We are the only ones to have experience on both sides of the story.

We are on a mission to make elite strategies available to anyone, with the robust technology of copytrading.

Confusing enough? Get in touch with us.


Businesses have one simple task.

Get more cash than they spend.

As revenue grows, and cash grows significantly, an opportunity unfolds.

“Should I invest it to get some extra cash flow?

Or let my cash as a safe deposit with 0% interest?”

There is no business in the world that survived and expanded in volatile and uncertain times, without proper risk management.

Times like these, unfold great opportunities.

Let our experts explain to you, how we can help, because we know we can.

The bigger the amount, the more diversified any portfolio can be.

Quantify’s Approach:
Any investor must put funds not only into different stocks and ETFs, but in different investments too.

Real estate, developmental programs, ETFs, bonds, Equities.

Every product has its audience.

But not all products, are for everyone.

We can help you navigate.

Call us.

General Questions


Information is more accessible than ever nowadays, yet traders can’t figure out the formula of successful investing.

Trying to be an expert in anything takes time, and investing takes money too.

Do a favor to yourself and partner with experts, who have proved their expertise.

Quantify will help you.

The short answer to your question would be this:

More than 80% of traders are listening to the wrong people, who may not have the same interests as them. Invest with pros, not alone.

Every Fund Manager, Institution, Trader or Banker can assure you that returns cannot be guaranteed, and if anyone says otherwise, it’s a red flag.

Our team has an outstanding investing history, that is available to review, and make their decision about copying this strategy or else.

No lock-up period.

No other restrictions.

Quantify is extending access to our successful strategies to all investors, allowing you the choice to trade like us or not.

We advise you to get in touch with us, to explain our philosophy further.

Quantify collaborates with heavily regulated companies that generate year after year greater revenues, expand their services and their market share.

Always looking forward and trying to get the best investing experience and security for their clients.

You can check them out at the bottom of the page.

Sure, investing is not for everyone.

We won’t convince anybody to put their hard-earned capital into “risk”.

But how is “risk” basically defined?

Unfortunately, in these challenging times, with inflation in consumer goods, rents, house prices reaching record highs, for many people the biggest “risk” is to stay inactive.

We can only assist those who are determined to improve their living.

We know, everything in life breaks down into special professions.

The farmer, grows the animals. 

The mechanic fixes your car.

And the professional money manager, helps you invest your funds.

We are the first, to bring years of fund management expertise, into easy to copy strategies, so you can invest like the pros.

Fill the form and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Now… That’s easy.

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